Strictly speaking, we ask that sellers do not list tickets that they don’t yet have in their possession. However, if your buyer is happy to wait until you have received the tickets, this should not be a problem. Please contact them directly to let them know that you have not yet received the tickets and to ask whether they are happy to wait or not.

If they are happy to wait, please ignore our automatic reminders to mail the tickets until you can update the status of the order with a tracking number. You will not be charged a fee as long as the buyer receives the tickets in time for the event.

If they are not happy to wait, you will need to issue them with a full refund via PayPal. Once you have done so, please forward proof to our customer services team with your order reference number and we'll update the status of the order so that you stop receiving reminders to mail the tickets. In this case, we cannot issue you with a refund of the fees as you have breached our terms and conditions by listing tickets that you do not have in hand.