If you have received tickets from your seller that are not as described in the original listing, please contact your seller directly to see what has happened. You will find their contact details on your purchase confirmation email. If you do not want to keep the tickets, you will need to arrange the return of the tickets with your seller. Once your seller has received the tickets back from you, they should issue you with a full refund via PayPal.

If you cannot get in touch with your seller or they do not refund you, please raise an issue against the purchase in your PayPal account ASAP. They are our transaction partner and we arrange for the reversal of payments through them. Outline exactly what has happened and they will investigate the seller with a view to refunding you.
If you have any issues with the dispute, please contact our support team with your PayPal case ID and we will assist PayPal in the process so that this is resolved as quickly as possible.