How It Works
How does Twickets ensure that tickets are never sold above face value?
Twickets has a database listing most US events, and we ask you to select the correct price you paid for your ticket from there. If your event does not appea...
What does face value or less actually mean?
Face value is simply the price on the ticket, excluding all other fees you might have paid to the retailer who sold it (e.g. booking fee, insurance etc).
What delivery options does Twickets support?
We support UPS 2nd Day Air and UPS Ground delivery options for US sales. The seller will select which delivery options they wish to support and the buyer wi...
What fees will I incur as a buyer?
i. A fee for delivery: 'Mail' is charged at cost. UPS 2nd Day Air and UPS Ground delivery costs vary depending on location. 'Download' e-...
What fees will I incur as a seller?
There are no fees charged to sellers* other than standard PayPal charges, where PayPal is used. Please note the following where PayPal is used: You wil...
How safe is my money?
Twickets is a safe and secure platform in which to trade. Our payment partner is PayPal, one of the most trusted ways to pay and receive payments for your g...
What guarantee is offered on sales and purchases?
To sellers: If you’re sent an unauthorized payment, or a buyer claims they didn’t receive their item, you’ll be covered for the full amount of the payment, ...